How Does a Self-Loading Concrete Mixer Nigeria Work

Construction company owners often complain about one thing – the labor cost that they have to incur every day is huge. From measuring the quantity of raw materials required to make concrete to carrying the concrete to other sites; it’s a labor-intensive job where you need a team to operate in full swing to complete your projects on time. But do you know that you can cut down the labor costs if you buy a self-loading concrete mixer?

This machine combines a traditional concrete mixer and a cement mixer to make high-quality concrete without requiring the help of too many people. It can estimate the approximate quantity of raw materials and even load them in the mixing drum automatically. Most of the self loading concrete mixer for sale in Nigeria are portable, thus allowing you to take them to the construction site. If you want to reduce your labor expenses in the future, you can buy this machine to make concrete.

How does a self-loading concrete mixer work?

Here’s a step by step guide on how a self-loading concrete mixer works:

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

• Loading raw materials

A concrete batching vehicle has two parts that load the raw materials in the mixing drum – a self-articulated shovel and hydraulic control system. You can appoint an operator who will use the joystick in the machine to move the shovel.

• Mixing raw materials

Once the machine loads the materials in the mixing drum, it’s time to mix everything. Since this is a fully automatic machine, you don’t need to worry about mixing water at regular intervals. The machine automatically mixes water whenever required to ensure that you get a lump-free mix of high-quality concrete.

How does the machine provide lump-free concrete? Its drum has spiral blades that mix the ingredients thoroughly. The fast blades ensure that the ingredients don’t get a chance to settle down, thus eliminating the risks of producing lumps.

• Concrete collection technique

The easiest way to collect the concrete from a self-loading concrete mixer in Nigeria is by tilting the drum. Ask the operator to use the hydraulic control system to lift the drum and tilt it completely to pour the concrete mix out. Alternatively, the operator can use the hydraulic control system to spin the blades in the drum in their opposite direction to eject the concrete. Get more mixer details here:

Self Loading Concrete Mixer

Why do construction companies require a self-loading concrete mixer?

Following are some of the reasons why you should consider buying a self-loading concrete mixer for your construction company:

1. First of all, you can cut down your labor costs. You wouldn’t require a separate team to mix the ingredients required to make concrete or carry the concrete mix. Instead, you can employ them in some other department if you want.
2. Every construction company requires high-quality concrete. Instead of relying on another company for readymade concrete, you can make it on your own if you have a self-loading concrete mixer.
3. You can carry the concrete mixer to any construction site you want. It would make high-quality concrete within a few minutes.

Nigeria has many sellers that provide self-loading concrete mixers at attractive prices. Don’t forget to compare their concrete mixer price in nigeria and features before buying one.